27 junho 2007
24 junho 2007
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21 junho 2007
walk away?
Ben Harper - Walk away
Oh no- here comes that sun again. And (that) means another day without you my friend. And it hurts me to look into the mirror at myself. And it hurts even more to have to be with somebody else. And it's so hard to do and so easy to say. But sometimes - sometimes, you just have to walk away - walk away. With so many people to love in my life, why do I worry about one? But you put the happy in my ness, you put the good times into my fun. And it's so hard to do and so easy to say. But sometimes - sometimes, you just have to walk away - walk away and head for the door. We've tried the goodbye so many days. We walk in the same direction so that we could never stray. They say if you love somebody than you have got to set them free, but I would rather be locked to you than live in this pain and misery. They say time will make all this go away, but it's time that has taken my tomorrows and turned them into yesterdays. And once again that rising sun is droppin' on down And once again, you my friend, are nowhere to be found. And it's so hard to do and so easy to say. But sometimes, sometimes you just have to walk away, walk away and head for the door. You just walk away - walk away - walk away. You just walk away, walk on, turn and head for the door
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19 junho 2007
You keep your cards so close to your chest
You're making me confused
It's hidden deep what you need to address
If you want it to resume
Aching and longing never ending fireworks
Let it be, let it be, let it be oh baby let it hurt
The heat is on for the action to speed up and tension to ease
We could keep talking but only be certain through physical means
Patience is just another word for getting old
Resolution just as impossible as letting go
Is there a hint of a vulnerable you there a drift in your eyes
Could it be that the sharp and the blunt side have shifted this time
I wanted you, you wanted me but he was there
Now let it be, let it be, let it be oh baby let it bare
Whitest Boy alive
You walked into my house last night
I couldn't help but notice
A light that was long gone still burning strong
You were sitting
Your fingers like fuses
Your eyes were cinnamon
You said you stand for every known abuse
That was ever threatened to anyone but you
And why should I know better by now
When I'm old enough not to?
While every line speaks the language of love
It never held the meaning I was thinking of
And I can't decide over right or wrong
I guess sometimes I need the place where you belong
Some may sing the wrong words to the wrong melodies
It's little things like this that matter to me
Others feel that you should stand
For every known abuse to hand
And all the things that they could never see
You said you stood for every known abuse
That was ever promised to anyone like you
Don't you wish you knew better by now
When you're old enough not to?
When every line speaks the language of love
It never held the meaning I was thinking of
And I can't decide over right or wrong
You left the feeling that I just do not belong
(Do not belong, do not belong, do not belong)
One drink too many
And a joke gone too far
I see a face drive like a stolen car
Gets harder to hide
When you're hitching your ride
Harder to hide what you really saw
Oh yeah, you stand for every known abuse
That I've ever seen my way through
Don't I wish I knew better by now?
Well I think I'm starting to
When every line speaks the language of love
It never held the meaning I was thinking of
And I've lost the line between right or wrong
I just want to find the place where I belong
Why should you know better by now
When you're old enough not to?
I wish I knew better by now
When I'm old enough not to
Beth Orton
Stolen Car
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18 junho 2007
Yes, i've seen it again
How many times? 5, 6?
Every time i see this moovie i feel... Well, i don't know. Let's just say it makes me feel more romantic than usual.
How long do we need to understand who's the right person for us? And how do we understand that? Do we all have a "jesse" in our lifes, even if we get to see him/her more often?
A part of the film that i really enjoy is when they talk about sex and realise how easy is to talk about it now. Because, it's true, right?, we all get a little more perverted as time goes by...
If you haven't seen it yet, do it.
P.S.: i'd fall just for the talk :P
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17 junho 2007
O outro lado do espelho
Uma coisa engraçada é que, se reparem, conseguimos sempre ser muito taxativos em relação às outras pessoas. Sem grandes hesitações, sabemos que a fulana A. é espalhafatosa, a B. politiqueira, o gajo X divertido, etc...
Já no que toca a falar de nós, o assunto complica. E... Que dirão os outros de nós? Como será que nos vêm/descrevem? Quais as palavras que usam para nos explicar?
Ou por outra, como é a nossa imagem reflectida no espelho dos outros?
Fica o desafio para uma cadeia de comments ao perfil de cada um e ao anterior- se é que haverão loucos interessados em participar (mas aposto que pelo menos uma resposta vou ter :P ).
The way i see me in 10 words:
Insegura, desconfiada, altruísta, teimosa, crítica, amiga, idealista, persistente, um pouco obcessiva e louca q.b.
Posted by M 1 feedbacks
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16 junho 2007
i had it coming...
(Sia - breath me)
(Foto http://www.e-panaphobia.com)
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15 junho 2007
De ressaca....
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14 junho 2007
DNA sem intrões e exões?
Partes do ADN humano que se julgavam adormecidas afinal estão activas 14.06.2007 - 09h36 Ana Gerschenfeld
Quando, em Abril 2003, ficou concluída a leitura da totalidade do genoma humano, os cientistas tinham perante os seus olhos um gigantesco livro de instruções (com três mil milhões de "caracteres") para a construção do corpo dos homens e das mulheres. Mas ainda estavam longe da meta: conseguir decifrar a língua em que esse livro está escrito para perceber exactamente como é que as diversas partes do corpo são fabricadas - e como, por vezes, as coisas correm mal, dando origem a doenças.
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11 junho 2007
Há vida para além da Medicina...
Tive exame hoje e outro há exactamente uma semana. Agora já "só" falta a oral de Anatomia.... Pelo meio consegui ir a casa, descansar um bocado e, como tive visitas no fds, aproveitei para sair e espairecer um pouco. Soube mesmo bem!
Posted by M 1 feedbacks
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06 junho 2007
Como pegar numa música
Terrível, irritante e, bom, basicamente horrível e torná-la numa grande música....
Como seria o staying alive (sim, essa mesma, daqueles gajos com voz de falsete cujo nome i shall not write in my own blog) caso o nick cave e o cash tivesses ido juntos pró Texas beber whisky. Ou o cave sozinho. Ou o cave com o iggy pop.... Nah, o nick cave sozinho. Ou então... Vá, já chega, oiçam :P
param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/AzKXq8-cdPU">
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05 junho 2007
1º exame - balanço
(imagem daqui)
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